Every time we have the option to be upset, angry, or jealous ...
Every time we have the option to be upset, angry, jealous, offended, fearful, doubtful, or hurtful, we also have the equal chance to choose love, forgiveness, compassion, understanding, and joy.
Every time we are put in a position where we are tempted to choose a negative emotion or thought, it is actually an opportunity that our souls have to grow and expand.
Everything in the universe is perfect and although it may be hard to believe it is all in balance. Everyone and everything has a certain purpose and path and we are all here to experience whatever it is we need, so that we can learn and grow and become more enlightened and loving beings, in turn, allowing the true nature of our souls to shine brighter than the universe itself - because we are the universe! .
Literally speaking, we are made up from the particles of the Big Bang and from trillions of years of evolution and star dust.
You are literally made up of stars. You come from the universe. The same power is inside of you and all of us, and we are all here to experience love, to give love, and to receive love.
Love is the most powerful energy in the universe, and every time we choose love our heart literally produces electricity and light. The core of it all is light. The Center of everything is energy. So tune in, like a radio station, to the energy and frequencies you want to receive. Whatever you give out, is what you get back. And the more love and compassion you choose to have, the easier and more natural these states of being become. .
Every “negative” temptation we encounter is a blessing, because it is yet another opportunity to choose love, and to grow and elevate our consciousness by being able to tune into the frequency and reality we wish to experience and give.
So next time you are angry, upset, or feeling down about something ... take it as a chance to develop, and see what would happen if you just let go, and just choose love! Contrary to popular belief, we are beings of light and not darkness. So be YOU! The real you ... and let your heart lead the way!
What do u think? Do u agree? Let me know in the comments below as I would love to hear ur inputs! ❤️💫🙌🏼
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