Q: Its not as easy to be positive these days ...
Q: Its not as easy to be positive these days. My generation is surrounded by a world full of constant negative brainwashing content. How do we fix everyone?
A: To help change how a generation is shaped, starts with YOU, and having the courage to go inwards. My advice: .
1. Take the time to read even just 10 pages a day without skipping a day, about positive, uplifting, and self developing books. .
2. Take time to go for a walk outside each day to reconnect with nature, spend time alone thinking your OWN thoughts, and leave your phone behind. .
3. Dont touch your phone for the first and last hour of the day. No exceptions. Those are the hours where your brain is the most susceptible to programming, so what you watch, read or entertain yourself with is going right into your subconscious mind. So be aware of what you consume and definitely stay away from all electronics and social media for the beginning and end of your day. .
4. Take time to journal ur thoughts, emotions, & ideas on paper, so that u can learn who u truly are. Knowing yourself on a deeper level will help you in your day to day decision making, and in turn give you the confidence to be you and courage to choose to follow your heart. .
5. Eat a healthy lifestyle with lots of high vibrational foods, and drink lots of water. Eat foods that give you LIFE like fruits, veggies, nuts, beans, chia seeds, brown rice, quinoa, plant-based milk etc. .
All of these things will help u become mentally, physically, & spiritually stronger. It will reconnect u with the REAL u, the you motivated by positivity, and innovation. .
Don’t focus on the outside world, rather focus on ur inner world. It’s the only one u have control over so go inwards. Reconnect. Work on yourself. Ull soon see that all of ur answers are right there inside of u. .
To change or help a generation doesn’t take the global shift of 7 billion people at once, it just takes the willingness to develop oneself, & understanding that only once we become our ultimate version will we see a global shift, & to do that we must focus on OUR world. So don’t be afraid to dive deep. Focus on YOU, for only then, will u see a global change.
Do you agree? Let me know in the comments!
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