Volcano & Waterfall Helicopter Tour in Hawaii
Aloha! Today we are in Hilo. We have partnered with Paradise Helicopters and we did one of the most amazing tours I have ever seen!
We literally flew OVER an ACTIVE Volcano.. yes, I saw lava! We also saw some gorgeous waterfalls and the "Birth of Earth".
So many great memories were made that will last a life time! Happy Travelling!
Paradise Helicopters Hawaii's Most Unique Helicopter Experience! Enjoy the Hawaii few people ever witness on our one-of-a-kind air adventures. www.paradisecopters.com info@paradisecopters.com Reservations: 1-866-876-7422 Facebook: ParadiseHelicopters Twitter: #ParadiseCopters Instagram: @ParadiseHelicopters Get the latest updates, stunning photos, and videos on the Big Island lava from our weekly Lava Blog at www.hawaiilavaupdate.com
Instagram: @CarlaMariaBruno & @TravelWithMeTV
Watch our adventures on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgMloW-w2SY&
Facebook: TravelWithMeTV